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  • Sabrina Kamembo


Updated: May 8, 2021

It is amazing how much damage we can do as a leaders when we do not listen to the Holy Spirit. I'm tired of hearing stories about people falling from the faith because of immature leadership. I hope this encourages you to grow in leadership. Spiritually.

About three years ago, God placed my degree and many other things in my life on hold. Not only that, but He wanted me to stay at home full time. I knew exactly what He wanted me to do in that season and why. A portion of it had to do with healing and realignment. Spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. I had stepped down from many leadership roles, commitments and many other things as God led me to, and I stepped into the unknown. A season of waiting.

As if things were not hard enough for me already [because walking in obedience is never easy. Especially when you are walking in a completely different direction from what is "expected of you"], I had one of the saddest encounters with someone who, at the time, was a spiritual leader to many and who many people looked up to because of their "knowledge" of the bible *sigh*. Without knowing my story, my journey or consulting the Holy Spirit before speaking, they approached me, and condemned me for what I was "doing" [or not doing, for that matter]. I was bible-bashed, criticized and condemned for being obedient. But they did not know that they were doing that.

To give you a little context and background, God started to teach me trust and His Father-heart during a time when my family was going through financial strain. While it was always my nature to take things into my own hands and fight with my last breath for everything, this time God wanted me to rely on Him first. And to allow Him to teach me. So, you can imagine how I felt during the time. Me, who is a natural problem-solver, being told to sit still and to wait. Often not understanding why the wait, or how long the wait will be. At times, during the week I would get frustrated from just being at home and doing what God was telling me to do, and I would rebel. I would deliberately disobey Him and apply for jobs. But the joke was always on me. Because every time I did that, doors would literally close in my face. Nothing was ever fruitful. So as hard as it was, I had no choice. I was obedient. I waited.

I was summoned like a little kid by this leader. I was called lazy, inconsiderate and selfish. All because I "dared to take a holiday while my family was suffering". This leader was only fueled by the rumors they heard, not by the Truth. And it was certainly not the Holy Spirit. I immediately knew that this was an attack from the enemy. Seeking to derail me. I knew God's promise for that season. Because whenever God leads you to sacrifice, there is a promise. And He will so often show you what the promise is and what the purpose of the season is. You just need to have eyes to see, and ears to hear. So I knew. Because God showed me.

They did not know my season, only the Holy Spirit can show you someone's season. So while you are trying to lead in your own strength and advise the brethren, make sure you have divine knowledge. Its one thing to encourage with scripture, its another thing to use scripture to tell a person that they are wrong. Especially with no insight to their journey.

Hear me clearly, it is very important to read the bible, to know theology, to study the Word of God and to have sound doctrine. However, we get so caught up in learning the Word that we forget that it is the Holy Spirit that teaches us how to actually apply the Word of God to our lives. Pastor Bill Johnson puts it this way [paraphrased from the sermon: The Holy Spirit Is In You]: the danger is that we regard the bible that they DID NOT have (in the Old and New Testament) more than the Holy Spirit they DID have. And it is sad when we think that we can even outwork our Christian walk without the help of the Holy Spirit. Why do we ignore intimacy with the Holy Spirit? As a spiritual leader, it is most crucial. Its not an option.

"However, we get so caught up in learning the Word that we forget that it is the Holy Spirit that teaches us how to actually apply the Word of God to our lives."

The spiritual leader was going a completely different direction to where the Holy Spirit was taking me. I know for a fact that, if I had not been a mature Christian at the time, or if I had not been strong in my faith, if I had not had my own relationship with the Holy Spirit and learnt how to listen and to dance to His tune, I would have definitely drifted away from my purpose and my calling. All thanks to that immature conversation.

Sadly, there are many who have drifted further away from the Church (capital C) because WE, as the ones who Jesus has called to lead and make disciples lack intimacy and spiritual maturity. I will say it again! Our lack of intimacy with the Holy Spirit and our lack of spiritual maturity LEAD PEOPLE ASTRAY. Your role as a spiritual leader is to partner with the Holy Spirit at all times. Not to lead with emotion or what you assume to be sufficient experience and knowledge.

James 3:17 "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."

There is no wisdom or knowledge outside of the Holy Spirit. Neither is there strength or authority. The submission that James 3:17 speaks about is submission to the Holy Spirit. Submission to His power and authority. Not your own. When we do things in our own strength and understanding, we lose sight of what the Holy Spirit wants us to do or to say, and what He is doing in the person's life.

My heart breaks for the fragile hearts who have been placed in the hands of leaders who know not how to live in submission to the authority and insight from the Holy Spirit and in communion with the Him. How many people have we pushed away from God because of our lack of knowledge and maturity? Because of the lack of knowledge of their story. Not what we think is "logical". But what the Holy Spirit actually says about the person or situation as He shapes and crafts the story.

What if the Holy Spirit wants them to deal with or to let go of some toxic things that are hindering their life?

Surely you're wondering what scripture this person used to bible-bash and criticize me. For the sake of insight, and before we proceed to how we can grow in intimacy with the Holy Spirit as a leader, the scripture is found in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 (AMP)- "if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either." Needless to say, this scripture was completely out of context. Especially for my season. From the quoting of this scripture, I was called a free-loader and they said I was selfish for sacrificing the well-being of my family for my own "selfish desires". Whatever those were. I was so hurt by those words. They were not the slightest representation of me or what I stood for. Neither was it a representation of the God I serve. It hurt even more because, if you know me, you will know that family means everything to me. The leader did not come to encourage me in my season, which was a season of obedience, neither did they speak with love or with grace. They gave me what they thought was a "solution" to "my problem".

So how do we become strong spiritual leaders who reflect God's heart for His people? I don't believe there is an exhaustive list for this. However, these things have helped me in my journey of spiritual leadership.

  1. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you that person's journey and season. Learn the story. Open your spiritual eyes.

  2. It is the Holy Spirit that shows us HOW to apply scripture to our lives. Even our walk with God was never designed to be in our own strength. How is the scripture relevant to you? And what is God showing you in terms of its application for YOUR (or the person you are leading) season and journey as you go deeper and learn more about His character.

  3. Tame your tongue. Never lead with emotion. Don't get too excited and act outside of your authority.

  4. Learn to listen to His voice. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

  5. Make sure you have the authority to speak into things. Not everything is your territory. Pray for the gift of discernment. Sometimes your job as a leader is just to pray for the person. Or maybe even just love on them. Be careful not to interfere with what God is doing in their life. You don't want to be the one to partner against them along with whatever else they are facing. Remember, the devil is sneaky. And very strategic. If you lack intimacy with the Holy Spirit... well...

May I encourage you to go deeper. To seek the gift of discernment and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you, lead you and teach you. As a spiritual leader, it is your first role and responsibility. I'm tired of hearing stories about people falling from the faith because of immature leadership. I stayed the path and I continued in my obedience and call. But not many do. What has happened to them? Have we, as spiritual leaders, gone looking for them? Or are we too prideful to allow ourselves to grow and be led outside of our comfort zones and beyond what is "logic". Too proud to be corrected or challenged? Leadership that is unable to be challenged in terms of mindset and pride, is very questionable. Good leadership is created in the secret place. Where you learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. And you act accordingly.

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