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  • Sabrina Kamembo

Joy in the Wilderness

Updated: May 8, 2021

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice" Philippians 4:4

It is in the hardest seasons of life that we forget this fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Indeed, it is hard to find joy when your heart has been broken, and life is everything but easy. It is found to be hard when all you want to do is remain tucked into bed and not have to face the world. The truth is that every human-being longs for joy, happiness, stability and peace. Everyone wants to feel victorious and have a lifetime of celebration. But what does joy look like when you are in the wilderness?

I have learnt that in seasons of wilderness, joy is something you need to fight for.

I know far too well about waiting for breakthrough. Whether it's emotional, mental or physical. It is in the waiting that we find it hard to be joyful. The wilderness often feels just like that- like waiting, even though you sometimes don't know what you are waiting for. As if waiting is not enough, you find yourself being challenged by everything around you, and often your tolerance gets pushed to the limit. At times it might feel like you are just fighting with the last bit of your strength to survive. For some, the challenge is found in having to keep going. To keep believing God for His promises and to have faith. And as you wrestle with your questions, you find yourself being so tired that it hurts even more. That's what the wilderness feels like. How then do you find joy?

"I have learnt that in seasons of wilderness, joy is something you need to fight for."

The bible teaches us that joy comes from the Holy Spirit. If we read in John when Jesus promises the precious and powerful gift of the Holy Spirit, we see that the Holy Spirit's job is to teach us, to remind us, to lead us and be our companion.

Here is a thought; if you think about it for a moment, I think it would be safe to say that we find joy in things that may be summed up to be the following:

  1. Knowing you are not alone.

  2. Knowing you are loved.

  3. Knowing that your future is secured and you are taken care of.

Now allow me to expand on the lessons I have learnt when it comes to joy. Joy is found in knowing who God is. His character, His nature and His heart for humanity (and for you as an individual). The Holy Spirit gives us the knowledge and insight to this. In John 16 when Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit, He states that the Holy Spirit will remind us of truth, not only that, but the Holy Spirit will connect us to the Father and teach us all we need to know about Him.

When you come to the full knowledge that you are NEVER alone when you walk fully with the Holy Spirit, it's completely life-changing. Joy is found in knowing that you are never alone. In John 14:26, the Holy Spirit is described as our companion. One who walks with us always. You have everything you need when you have the Holy Spirit.

Knowing you are loved is another thing that gives joy to the heart. I personally love this prayer that Paul prays in Ephesians 3:19: "May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God". Joy comes from knowing that you are loved. Loved by God. When you have the revelation that God's love is not defined by your current situation and it will never change, you will find joy. Because of His love, He promises to be faithful. You can rest in that. Rejoice- because although things look different right now, the battle is already won.

Finally, the security of our future/ destiny. We find joy in knowing that everything will be okay and we will be taken care of. In the wilderness, it is hard to see passed what we face. But rest assured, He will finish the work He started (Philippians 1:6). If you haven't seen breakthrough yet, He is not finished. As children of God we have a hope. And it is rooted in the Name of Jesus. We do not live like those who have no promise. We have everything to look forward to. He promises to give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11) and that all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28). Your future, your dreams, your destiny and desires are secured in the One who never goes back on His Word. He will always provide. He will always sustain you and come through for you. It's who He is. Once you have that full revelation and believe it with all your heart, you will find joy in your wilderness.

The knowledge of God gives us peace and sound mind ( 2 Timothy 1:7, John 14:27) - which is the foundation for our joy. Fight to know Him better in your season of wilderness. No matter what it takes. And then, allow yourself to trust God's character. Joy comes from trust. Trust comes from intimacy. Intimacy comes from the knowledge of God.

Being grateful for the small victories in life during the seasons of wilderness help us to keep our joy. Celebrate the small stuff. Surround yourself with people who celebrate you. It's healthy! Surround yourself with people who will remind you to stay joyful, and will even fight with you. I am so grateful for my tribe. Those who have not just reminded me to remain joyful and to fight for joy in my wilderness, but they also fought alongside me. Even that is worth celebrating.

Take a moment and think about how God has saved you. How He's come through for you multiple times. Remember how He has carried you. Celebrate that! In your wilderness season, remember that God is still God. He never changes and He loves you. Joy is your inheritance! It's your birthright.

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